Things seem to be on an expressway to the finish these days. Everything seems to have a different hue when you know its going to be the last time around.Life is stunning really, in a good way of course. At the roundup ceremony, you tend to look at only the good memories and all the sordid old tales of woes seem to be too trivial to be brought to the foreground. The ceremony again is purely a conjured up image in my head, with everyone doing the last waltz,perhaps a symbol of the touch of finality the situation offers. Bidding farewell to people and rituals that one has been associated with for a substantial amount of time is a herculean task. It evokes feelings and memories which are rarely experienced in tandem.Happy albeit a sad realization...
When the fast track option seems to be in play, i'd ideally like to capture the moment in a jar, fasten the cap tightly and carry it along with me for some rainy day.Imagine the possibilities this idea offers, 'bottled happiness'-99.99% Pure.Ideal for abysmal situations.
Directions for use: Unscrew cap gently. Whiff.Count till 5.Repeat. Fasten Cap after use.
Nothing like a little change to put things in perspective.Perhaps sans the though of losing something we wouldn't realize the importance of the present.Ergo, Life is now(apologies Vodafone).