Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Last Dance
When the fast track option seems to be in play, i'd ideally like to capture the moment in a jar, fasten the cap tightly and carry it along with me for some rainy day.Imagine the possibilities this idea offers, 'bottled happiness'-99.99% Pure.Ideal for abysmal situations.
Directions for use: Unscrew cap gently. Whiff.Count till 5.Repeat. Fasten Cap after use.
Nothing like a little change to put things in perspective.Perhaps sans the though of losing something we wouldn't realize the importance of the present.Ergo, Life is now(apologies Vodafone).
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I live in a Song
Thursday, November 1, 2007
What we did
Divya: Adi!how are you?
Adi: Divya! (surprise)Tum yahan? I didn't( stammers) knew you'd be here
Divya: Well here I am!(awed) Aren't you surprised to see me? (puzzled)
Adi: Nice partay eh? (Bobs head like a hip hop wannabe looking for his catch)
Divya: Adi..dont leave me.booohooooooooooo ( waterworks)
Adi: Divya! It was only one date. (Pause) We went!
Divya: boohooo (Waterworks continue)
What we should have done
Divya: Adi!how are you?
Adi: Don't I look pleasantly plump?You blind cow!
Divya: Well, Aren't you surprised to see me?(puzzled)
Adi: Don't hold your breath Judy
Divya: Judy? You're with Judy now?But she's a man!
Adi: Divya! We conoodled behind the booth.(Pause) Just once.
Divya: boohoooo. You called my love conoodling
Adi: conoodling is the basic form of love (smirks)
Divya: boohoooo (waterworks)
' I am this moment'
1. Walking aimlessly after hours with 'dice' on repeat
2. Star gazing
3. Driving into the dead of the night, on the empty roads
4. Waffles with maple syrup at Big Chill
5. Illusion on radio
6. Reading old diary entries
7. Sneaking to the terrace at night
8. Dancing to Staying Alive
9. Dreaming of Wentworth Miller
10. The use of the sentence " For what joy?"
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sometimes we are faced with choices, it happens more often than we fathom. Temptation plays a catalytic role in our decision-making process. We tend to get mislead, our perception distorted, this go with the flow attitude often leads to us compromising on our principles. Some feel that a life without such ground rules is the one which would enable them to reap maximum benefits, they fail to realise that such consciously deciphered guidelines, are what in turn gives our life a footing, an anchor, a security which would otherwise be lacking from the eclectic lifestyles of the contemporary human. This realisation must come from within, it does not thrive under coercion, and it can not be imposed or dictated.
The society often makes us feel that the path of realisation is so adopted so as to conform to the norms of the so called social system. On the contrary realisation within an individual would often refute the society’s archaic customs, adopting a course which is usually frowned upon by the society. Adherence of the self-constructed principle centered lifestyle is often looked upon by individuals as a way of appeasing others, what we fail to realise is that it is a conscious decision which enriches our life and thus enables us to be in a position whereby we can understand ourselves better.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The Road Trip and An Overcast Sky

I believe nothing can prepare one for the beauty that confronts you as you set your sight on the Taj.It stands so pristine and majestic, and the dark clouds which formed the perfect contrast on this day, made it stand out even more beautifully.It astounds me, the purity that it seems to exude in a world so dark and flawed.
The drive back was quite boring really, with people dropping off to catch some sleep, and us making it to the highway which most probably lead to Mumbai.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Thinking in Verse
Paint a Picture for you
A shade of brilliance,perfect hue
placing swings of memories
and slides of twin emotions
you ride high and low
Warm trees stand transfixed
as the wind rustles through their being
witnessing the moments you live
I make them stand guard, as you give
give to the world around you
they watch, still as ever, as things are taken-
snatched away
Its then I coaxe you to rest in the shady grove
The picture gets blurry at times, the way you see
from my end its just a new perspective
willing you to be
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Blind to the inside
The sky is painted the right colour
The tree’s a picturesque hue
I can see the word outside
The clarity magnified
The sounds of existence,
Reflecting through
But the barrier lies
Between the self
The imperceptible fortress
Confusion confronts
When I look inside
A total blindness within
Saturday, March 31, 2007
The Art of Taking Photos
Tricky, the art of taking photos.It is associated with the travails of understanding that it is distinct from photography.With this understanding comes great responsibility, as someone once said.I'm thinking it was Uncle Ben, but I took the liberty to modify it.Meaning is pretty much the same though.
Photography is more of a science, and I'm not at all scientifically oriented.Im not sure which way I'm oriented apart from the usual sexual orientation which people are inherently aware of anyway.
So science, not being for me, I couldn't possibly relate to photography..the dark rooms, magnifications,lenses..the technicalities.So i just resort to the simpler version.Taking photographs.Its splendid really.You like something you see, you take out your camera, and capture it forever.Aah, such beautiful thoughts.It works even better, if something excruciatingly funny comes your way and you have photographic memories to revive the funnyness.
oh and the goats...i can still hear them bleating.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Judgy Van Holier-Than-Thou
Judgy Van Holier-Than-Thou (TM) is the latest addition in a string of character depreciating products from Schematic Solutions.We at Schematic Solutions only use the best of tactics to enable you,our esteemed customer to adjust to the diversity that has come to exist in the world today.
First, a deviating character trait is identified from among thousands on its ability to affect the masses.The most influential trait is thus subjected to a series of attacks such as gossip,outrage,resentment,jealousy etc;.The tactic which turns out to be the least resistant is then selected and cutomized to attack the deviating characteristic on sight.The technology used is automated and only the latest in the industry.
Schematic Solutions is privileged to serve you.We thank you for selecting our product.
Schematic Solutions
Thursday, March 1, 2007

Its easy to follow norms,to adhere to conventions.Is there place in this world for those who dare to dream, who think beyond the black and white.Society, is a wuss really.Any element that doesnt fit into its framework or follow its protocol is deemed a outcast if you will.
The pattern that life is supposed to follow is so conveniently set out for everyone to follow.The established reward system favours the products of this well charted system.Isnt that just peachy?
We live in a world where difference isnt appreciated, its positively shunned.And thats not a good thing.Imagine all the dreams, the aspirations, the desires that get trashed.The creativity that never comes to life.The thwarted enthusiasm.
10 things i want to do in my life(among thousands) no particular order
1) Travel..particularly Venice, Italy
2)Sing professionally...some day!!
3) Run a marathon
4) Play football for a league (:))
5) Learn some obscure language
6) Understand Human psychology
7) Watch Dream Theater Live
8) See Grease at Broadway
9) Learn Ballet
10) ice skate!
Monday, February 19, 2007
I thought evolution was a state of the mind that developed from independent thinking and power of being an individual.Sadly though, I was wrong.I have come to know, that it is the change in the thinking pattern of the society from warped and stupid to slightly more twisted.For instance, a relationship between a man and a woman can not be platonic and not to forget, the modified corollary, if a man and a woman are seen together, they must be sleeping together.Right?Right!
(thats me rolling eyes)
Apart from the male female bit,there are other irksome conventions that need to be questioned.
Very few human beings are capable of multitasking efficiently,and even fewer have the capability of understanding this fact.Yet judgements are formed based on the non-performance of an individual in an arena in which he wasnt even interested in the first place.Okay maybe thats a really simplistic view or maybe all this is becoming a tad too preachy.
moe views later
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Trust Mart
this isnt true
the surreptitious lies
the evil hues
dancing shadows
the dark days
mapping roads
for slanderous ways
Some light
but shades of grey
mar the beauty
foster the decay
the utopian truth
Monday, January 29, 2007
Travelogue: Ahemedabad,Dramatics and guchuk!
After an eventful 5 days including the train journey and the IIM A adventure return to normalcy is a little hard to come to terms with.
There are some trips which are pure fun...some which make u wish u were home..well, this one was not only a supremely fun trip but a meaningful journey in terms of realizations.yes, yes philosophical crap, but so frigin true.
So much for first impressions.Brandishing someone as an airhead in the first few minutes of interaction and letting that paradigm influence all the thinking and actions is something which can make you want to kick yourself later.Yes, my shin still hurts.Prejudice which is based on nothing but hearesay and a few misguided interpretations is dangerous, it makes u blind to all the good that may come forth.Fortunately for me, I recovered in time to make amends...being a judgemental prick isnt all that great too.
It wasnt only about abstract revelations but also about cheese maggi, coffee at ccd at 2 am, vada pao, banta and 5 beds in a single was about hanging out of the train to get pics clicked,new abuses, scouting for 'stamina sticks', cribbing about roaming charges and so much about friendship!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
10 CREATIVE Ways to use a pig

1) to get the prfect pink colour while shopping for paints
2) stick some flowers in its mouth (provided it does not show a preferance to eat that particular type of flowers) and use it a decorative item.
3)people with big heads can send the pig along with their servants to buy headphones.Thus it can be targetted as a model for such an audience.
4)the flat nose can be used for block painting.Applying some paint and then asking the pig to run headlong into a wall can give rise to innovative decorative patterns in the room.
5)A game competition can be organised keeping in mind the circumfrence of the pigs gut.The person who is able to wrap his or her arms aroung the pigs stomach completely.wins!
6) in case the car/2 wheeler/cycle horn malfunctions the pig can be messed with to extract the charasteristic "oink" sound, which is almost like the "honk" sound we associate vehicles with.
7) a cute pig dressed in ribbons and bows can be presented to pork eaters to support the cause of PETA.
8) Useful in soap commercials like lifebuoy and Dettol: Dirty pig-Clean pig transition can be shown.
9) use it to crap on ur enemies.Hold the pig high above the enemies head preferably on a balcony.distract enemy with hot member of the opposite sex(ha) and then after having force fed the pig enuf food to feed an army, tickle its stomach.these deft motions will cause bowel movement and propel it to shit on the target ie: enemy
10)Big pigs can be promoted as a mode of non polluting transportation for little people.
11) when mean creatures run out of mirrors show them a pig.
Friday, January 5, 2007
ola new year!
Resolutions are conventional and passe.Moreover they are meant to be broken and pave way for mutated resolutions next years.Its more effective if you actually dont make resolutions and then fall flat on ur face owing to ur vice and then have to rectify things.In such a scenario you know u cant falter, unlike the option of faltering on a resolution which always is very inviting and inevitable.:D
So 10 reasons why today sucked:
#1 lousy presentation
#2 no food
#3 everyone seems to be leaving
#4 battery running out
#5 excess baggage
#6 traffic jam
#7 getting kicked in the shin
#8 McDonalds shut
#9 burnt my tongue
#10 no movie
Wish i had slept through today!!!sigh!!