Its easy to follow norms,to adhere to conventions.Is there place in this world for those who dare to dream, who think beyond the black and white.Society, is a wuss really.Any element that doesnt fit into its framework or follow its protocol is deemed a misfit..an outcast if you will.
The pattern that life is supposed to follow is so conveniently set out for everyone to follow.The established reward system favours the products of this well charted system.Isnt that just peachy?
We live in a world where difference isnt appreciated, its positively shunned.And thats not a good thing.Imagine all the dreams, the aspirations, the desires that get trashed.The creativity that never comes to life.The thwarted enthusiasm.
10 things i want to do in my life(among thousands)..in no particular order
1) Travel..particularly Venice, Italy
2)Sing professionally...some day!!
3) Run a marathon
4) Play football for a league (:))
5) Learn some obscure language
6) Understand Human psychology
7) Watch Dream Theater Live
8) See Grease at Broadway
9) Learn Ballet
10) ice skate!
I am stealing this idea from you..top ten to do before I'm something something age. Ice Skating and Dream Theater...I can count two of my influences there (Can I?) :)