What are we here for? Does anyone really know the genesis of this existence? The root cause of everything, the fundamental that guides every breathe we take.
We can live through this life doing the mundane things we do, without understanding why we ought to be this way. Our materialistic pursuits guide our existence, warp our existence, and convolute it too. But then again, there is the other way of doing things. We don’t always know where our actions will lead us, perhaps we have a general idea, but that’s about it. I guess its okay not to know all the answers, hell if we know half the questions that should be asked, I’d say we have achieved something. What is of consequence here is realization that the answers can be found only when we get in touch with ourselves. These seem like grandiose words which we hear spiritual leaders talk about but I’m just borrowing the words, literally, the interpretation is my own, perhaps ideas I’ve garnered from the varied experiences.
Emotions are what govern my life, it’s the heart behind the thought, the euphoria of existence and experience. Love is the fundamental behind each and ever particle that exists in this universe. The beauty that the spring day shares with us, is it not but love for mankind? The flowers that bloom, allowing us to marvel at the extraordinary spectacle, the fusion of colors and contours, exude love every moment of their existence. The ocean, with the pristine azure quality, it lies down before the sky, is that not love, which makes the ocean bare its soul? And we watch out in amazement, the culmination of the water and the sky, the love which they bring out in each other.
The stars in the night sky that religiously sparkle, to decorate the lackluster emptiness of the darkness, would that not be self-less love? And of course the darkness, which hangs on to the numerous stars for hours together, giving them an existence?
What about music, that makes us skip as we walk, nolens volens?The desire it creates within us to soar up above everything else, is that not love in our being for music, and why would music permeate the way it does through us if it didn’t love us in the first place?
I could go on about the examples in the physical world, but sounding idyllic wasn’t the purpose of this realization.
We always seek love in the wrong places, we look outwards to other people, without realizing that love is indeed all around. Accepting this reality would magnify every minute of our existence. Every breath we take is a new breath, it brings with it new experiences, hopes and it wipes out the vestiges of the past. Such is life too, it is intended to be experienced with panache and a sincerity that is only paralleled by the respiratory system. Only if we let the experience engulf us from all directions can we learn to love the existence that has been bestowed upon us.
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