Tuesday, December 3, 2013

10 Things Which Women Should Stop Doing.**

1. Infantile, baby talk and cooing. I don’t see a baby. Don’t talk to me like one. (or to anyone for that matter)

2.  Damsel in Distress act – there is no knight in shining armor. If there was one, he would be running away from you.

3. The martyr – the sacrificing, queen of misery and regretful ranting. You are the master of your destiny. Not your husband or your parents.

4. Being mean to other women – really? Research has shown that women are more sensitive to social exclusion and thus when they feel threatened by a woman, and find themselves being potentially left out of something , they retaliate - by being mean. From an evolutionary perspective that makes sense. But hey, we overcame living in caves and eating uncooked meat, so we can overcome this too. Right?

5. Underselling themselves. Or being bad at negotiating.
Again, data shows that women start off on a worse salary than their male counterparts just because they don’t negotiate as hard.
Can you please, like, maybe, think a little, possibly about doing this little thing, if its is convenient, you know, sorry about that.

6. Living life adhering to roles: daughter, wife, mother, etc, It’s only a part of you. Not you.

7. Perpetuating sexist stereotypes: “ Boys will be boys “, “girls should not behave this way”, “nice girls don’t do that”.            

8. Run away from opportunities/change. * Run * - STOP. 

9. The mundane one – letting your life revolve around one person. Classic satellite issues.

10.  Following traditions that perpetuate sexist and male dominant values in society. I can think of several examples from India particularly in the Hindu faith that oblige a woman to adorn herself in a multitude of ways to indicate her betrothal. Are we chattel? * Rhetorical Question *
Some women however might like to do so, and that’s ok, as long as a question is asked as to the intention behind the action. ‘tis all.


** Suggested Serving. 


  1. I like :-). It took me a long time to get over Point 3 -parents and I'm only starting to realise Point 6.

  2. @MistyMotif - I know, we are conditioned, sometimes it becomes difficult to look at it objectively....
