Thursday, April 24, 2008

Oh this trivial existence...

An excerpt from " My wonderous musings and aimless thoughts" by yours truly

I am unable to find a reasoning to the existence that we all share. All through life we have objectives set out for us, either by the society or by our family or if we are lucky by us, ofcourse within the sanctioned limits of the social system. These objectives are often monetary or status related. Some accolade won here, some candidature obtained there. We trudge on. Is it possible to ever get satiated this way? Thriving on these tangibles which stem from mans commercial activities and pursuits ought to get jaded some day. The very reason behind this is that all these objectives which we resolve to achieve, amidst the onlookers who egg us on, are a function of the artificial world. A world which man has created, it stretches beyond the grass root level of survival, it exists contrary to the world which thinks with the heart, and believes in the greater humanitarian good. It goes on like that, the objective may reach crescendo but the piece never ends. The music starts all over again. There is no end. There are just more pursuits, a bigger car, a better position, a prettier house. And once we have that, the cycle repeats itself. The quest for the superlatives is endless.
What is the greater purpose? Is it a mere obstacle course where on crossing every hurdle we land a plump prize and after a minuscule sense of pride and effusive appreciation we brace ourselves for the next hurdle? Is it just ruse, to throw us of the bigger objective? Perhaps there is a bigger purpose, one beyond seeking the highest pay package, something other than the desire to get into the top rung university, one that stretches beyond the incessant urge to pull ahead of that car in front of you at a crossing. I think it could be the greatest mystery of all. The great divine façade. The supreme attempt to throw-off the mortals by inundating and engulfing them with the penchant for commercial pursuits. How many of us are willing to see beyond this reality, how many of us are willing to compromise on the objective setting path. Are we brave enough to go the Robert Frost way and question the path frequented and take to the road less traveled? I am not sure if I can foray into this great unknown.

1 comment:

  1. while it somewhat saddens you that people would rather run after a bigger faster car and a larger prettier house to live in, and not, I hope you realize that there's others out there who'd cut their heart out to stop thinking from the heart and living in the moment, and for once forget everything to work towards those pursuits.
    you're good but at times you overdo it. :)
